
Japan returns to nuclear power? Upcoming winter plan.

2022-08-03 15:31
Preparing to the winter energy crisis against the background of the continuing energy prices raising and Russia’s war in Ukraine, Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio announced on July 14, 2022 that Japan will operate 9 nuclear reactors, reaching to 10% of energy supply share for upcoming winter.  Thermal plants will be increased to 10 new plants in comparison to the previous season.  Main aim of this decision is to decrease consumers’ electricity burden, procure electricity supply for on-peak hours and to increase energy volume capacity.  

Predicting further fossil-fuel prices surge, the Democratic Party promotes to operate the maximum nuclear reactors after passing safety review, whereas The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is insisting on abandoning nuclear power.  

However, the largest Japanese electric power generators – Tokyo Electric Power Holdings, Kansai Electric Power and other seven electric power companies reported their loss on August 2. The companies are planning to increase prices 16-18%, to remove maximum price limits from the bills from November-December of 2022. Nuclear power as considered to be a means to alleviate the pressure of this critical situation.

Another way to reduce consumer’s burden is to joining electricity trading programs, established by the government, under which households can receive 2000 yen reward points and enterprises burden could be lowered up to 200,000 yen.