
Ecopro2021 Tokyo

2022-02-03 19:39
On 9th of December 2021 at Tokyo Big Sight was held EcoPro2021 – exhibition organized every year by Nikkei Inc.

The aim of this event is to solve environmental and social issues, to create a platform for different stakeholders toe  interact together. One more part of the exhibition is "SDGs Week EXPO for Business 2021", called to promote SGD activities and share experience of different companies. 

Main target auditory of the event are business executives, SDGs and Environmental department representatives, business purchasing departments, corporate strategy departments, social activity departments,  municipal/ government regional development industrial organizations, environmentally conscious consumers, NPO / NGO environmental groups, citizen groups.

Main Product Categories exhibited are:

  • Eco-products  (Home Food, Health etc.)
  • Eco-solutions (Finance, Emission Trading, Sharing Services, Reusable Services, Recycling, Consulting etc.)
  • Environmental and Energy technology (Energy-Saving Technology, Natural & Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Technology, Smart Grid etc.)
  • Environmental, CSR initiatives, SDGs (CSR, CSV, Design & Branding, Biodiversity, Environmental Education, SDGs, etc.)

For foreigner representatives special International VIP corner was created, where international media and organizations can also take part and help to spread the mission of this exhibition on international level. According to the statistics, foreign visitors were 4.9% of the total volume. 

This year EcoProAward was granted  from the  Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to Suminoe Textile Co., Ltd. for product, called ECOS® -  series of recycled carpet tiles produced with using horizontal recycling technology, which reduces wastes and circulates resources at an unprecedented level through the whole life cycle of carpet tiles. 

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